Game On
10 Ways To Get In 10,000 Steps (While Shopping!)
NYC trainer Ngo Okafor, known affectionately by his fashion and media industry clients as “The Machine,”
shares how to transform holiday shopping into a sweat & stress-free workout. How hard you workout your credit card is up to you.
1. Pick the parking spot furthest from the store entrance. If you’re in a garage, take it to the next level and grab a space on the top floor. Then take the stairs, natch.
2. Bring your haul back to your car after each store. Efficient? No. Effective? Yes. It’s all about pounding the pavement until you reach your goal.
67 steps per minute = a 20 minute mile.
3. Step lively. You’re trying to get in a workout, after all. Channel your inner New Yorker and walk with purpose. And speed. FYI, 67 steps per minute = a 20 minute mile.
4. In a shopping plaza? Pick one parking space and stay there. Skip driving from store to store and you’ll really rack up those steps!
5. Always take the stairs. Always! And if that’s not an option, walk up (and down) the escalator instead of standing still for the ride.
6. Return your shopping cart inside the store, instead of leaving it in the parking lot.
7. Channel your inner explorer. Check out every aisle. You may see something you didn’t know you needed. Or wanted.
Transform holiday shopping into a sweat & stress-free workout.
8. Before you leave a shop, do one last lap around the perimeter.
9. Park your cart a couple of spaces away from your car. Then move your packages one by one from cart to trunk.
10. Done with your holiday shopping? Join a friend while they do theirs! That way you’ll be in good company when you hit your 10,000 steps.